- Calcium : 292 mg (30% des ANC)
- Phosphorus : 213 mg (15,9% des ANC)
- Magnesium : 28 mg
- Pottasium : 415 mg
- Sodium : 120 mg
Water-soluble vitamins
- B1 : 0,125 mg
- B2 : 0,45 mg (22% of NCAs)
- B6 : 0,05 mg
- B9 : 6,75 ug (13% of NCAs)
- B12 : 0,63 ug
- Water : 0,125 mg
- Protéines : 8g
- Lipids : 4g
- Carbohydrates (lactose): 11,6g
Fat-soluble vitamins
- A:45,75ug (10,7% of NCAs)
- D:0,025 ug
Nutritional intake of one cup of milk (250ml)
Milk and dairy products are the main dietary sources of calcium and phosphorus; they also contain potassium and magnesium. Lactose and vitamin D foster calcium uptake and bone absorption. The level of calcium in the blood (serum calcium) should remain constant.
One cup of milk intervenes in vital processes:
Blood clotting, blood pressure, the transmission of nerve impulses, muscle contraction, hormonal functions, enzymatic activity, etc. It also participates in the renewal of all the cells of our body.C
Calcium from dairy products should be 2/3 of our daily intake. The remaining third is supplemented by other food supply, mainly water, and plants.
Every day, calcium is eliminated (urine, stool, sweat, etc.). If the dietary intake of calcium is insufficient, the body will take from the bones’ reserve to maintain a stable calcemia and ensure its vital functions.
Daily nutritional intakes
recommended in calcium

of Milk & Milk products
- Prevention of Osteoporosis and Cardiovascular Disease
- Bone growth and maintenance of a normal bone structure
- Oral Health.
- Protection of the intestinal flora through lipids and protection against infections
- Overweight management and preventing obesity.

It is recommended to consume two dairy products per day for adults, and three to four portions for children, adolescents, and the elderly. It is advisable to vary the products: milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese, fermented milk, etc.…
A dairy product or a portion of a dairy product is considered to be :
- 1 glass of milk (150 ml)
- 1 cottage cheese (100 g)
- 30 g cheese or 2 pieces of melted cheese
- 1 glass of fermented milk (150ml)
- 1 yogurt (125 g)
The importance
of having a varied food supply
Adopting a varied and balanced food supply, meaning to eat everything but in appropriate quantities.This consists of giving priority to food supplies that are beneficial to our health (fruits, vegetables, starches, fish, meat, dairy products…), and in limiting the consumption of products that are too sweet, too salty, and too greasy.
A varied and balanced diet must have all the nutrients that our body needs
By varying your diet and your food supply, you give the body all the nutrients it needs to meet its different needs. Each food has specific virtues (fiber, vitamin, mineral, etc.) to make the bodywork in the best possible conditions.
Obviously, we need to focus on seasonal fruits and vegetables or the healthiest supplies that are more beneficial to health.
It is also necessary to consume carbs, proteins, and dairy products…
A non-varied diet will lead to deficiencies that can affect your well-being and health. Finally, it is important to eat everything but with reasonable amounts to avoid weight gain.

Diversified meals to prevent the development of certain diseases
Eating differently is one of the keys to limiting the development of disease in our bodies. That is why your body will need all the necessary nutrients for its proper functioning.
Healthy food supplies, especially fruits and vegetables, will strengthen the immune system and keep your energy going.
The importance of a varied diet will also be felt at the level of your fitness shape. A body filled with good food is a body that can provide everything it takes to stay in shape.
The need
to practice sports
Why should we move?
Doing physical activity and staying less in bed means putting all the risks to improve your quality of life and in the longer term, reducing the risk of getting sick.
Practicing physical activity helps to overcome the sedentary lifestyles, in which the movements of the body are reduced to their minimum (watching television, working at one’s desk, reading, being a passenger in a vehicle, etc.).
Take care of your body !
Regular physical activity can :
- Improve endurance, when doing daily life activities, or even occasionally, without being out of breath.
- Maintain muscle strength, flexibility, balance, and coordination, which facilitates our mobility, and helps maintain greater autonomy as we age
- Improve bone health, which reduces the risk of fracture in the elderly, and having a healthy bone structure for the children.
- Increase resistance to carry out daily life activities without feeling muscle pain.
Let us feel good about it !
Daily physical activity has a beneficial effect on well-being and quality of life; studies have shown that it can reduce anxiety and depression.
In addition, physical activity acts directly on your sleep by increasing its quantity and quality. These positive effects on sleep appear from the start of the practice and are maintained with regular ones.
Preserving our health !
Daily physical activity has long-term health benefits. It reduces the risk of developing certain diseases (cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, cancers, type two diabetes, osteoporosis, etc.).
It also reduces the risk of overweight and obesity. In adults, it also reduces certain aging-related effects
At least 30 minutes, 5 days a week or more
It is recommended to practice different types of physical activity to develop endurance, muscle building, flexibility, and balance.
The 30 minutes can easily be part of the daily life (walking, cycling, climbing stairs, etc.), or even recreational activities (jogging, cycling, group sports, dance, swimming, walking, fitness activities, etc.)
for everyday life with our family
Try to use more raw products, seasonal foods, short circuits and
Natural and organic production methods, in particular limiting the use of pesticides.
Avoid eating too fast, too sweet, and too salty.
For better health, eat at least five fruits and vegetables a day.The ideal is to alternate between fruits and vegetables and to use them as often as possible in different dishes.
Besides fruits and vegetables, do not forget that a healthy diet includes the use of legumes and nuts without salt.
For cereal products (bread, pasta, rice, etc.), we should use whole wheat bread or even half-whole wheat ones
Reduce the use of salt in different dishes.
To start a day full of energy, here is the ideal breakfast menu for the family: cereals, dairy products, fresh fruits or vegetables, and a hot drink.
For better health, practice regular physical activity and choose different practices and intensities: mobility (walking, cycling, etc.), leisure (outdoor games, schoolyard games, etc.), and sports (gymnastics, yoga, swimming, etc.).
Limit time spent sitting in front of the screen.


Visit our Dairy Central
in Sidi Bouzid as if you were there !
The Dairy Central of Sidi-Bouzid SA ‘’CLSB” is a joint-stock company under Tunisian law. Founded on June 13, 2011, CSLB aims to manufacture, package and market milk and its derivatives. The capital of the company, which joined production in April 2014, currently stands at 85MDT.
Délice & You
Délice now uses all its Know-How and expertise to serve consumers in order to provide them with quality products that enable them to have a healthy lifestyle. With carefully selected and collected milk from our local farmers, quality control to international standards, to serve you the best dairy products!