Délice is all ears
We listen to you!

We are conscious of the importance of the sanitary and quality of its products, we strive to offer our consumers the best of dairy products.Throughout the manufacturing process, a qualified team ensures the control of physicochemical, organoleptic, and microbiological quality.

A well-handled complaint is a real opportunity to consolidate the relationship with the customer.

Drop your
suggestion or your complaint:

Last and First Name*
Suggestion or Claim
The message
contact us
Immeuble JOUMANA, La Goulette (10,05 km) 2015 Tunis – Tunisie Tél : (+216) 70 024500 Fax : (+216) 71 964 117.

Our brands

Visit our Dairy Central

in Sidi Bouzid as if you were there !

The Dairy Central of Sidi-Bouzid SA ‘’CLSB” is a joint-stock company under Tunisian law. Founded on June 13, 2011, CSLB aims to manufacture, package and market milk and its derivatives. The capital of the company, which joined production in April 2014, currently stands at 85MDT.

Délice & You

Délice now uses all its Know-How and expertise to serve consumers in order to provide them with quality products that enable them to have a healthy lifestyle. With carefully selected and collected milk from our local farmers, quality control to international standards, to serve you the best dairy products!